Inquiry Form
Please fill out this inquiry form as best as you can. We understand that some of the questions may not apply to you. As always, all of the information you supply us will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
indicates required fields
Last name:
First name:
Middle name:
A Number:
Other names used:
E-mail address:
Place of birth:
Date of birth:
Marital status:
US citizen relatives:
Prior criminal record:
Prior removal proceedings:
College degree:
Currently employed?:
Present occupation:
Spouse's full name:
Spouse's date of birth:
Spouse's place of birth:
Spouse living with you?:
Spouse's nationality:
Date and place of marriage:
Spouse's occupation:
Children's full names:
Children's date of birth:
Passport number:
Issuing country:
Passport validity dates:
Former US visas:
Visa validity dates:
Date/place of last arrival:
Prior status in the US:
How did you hear about us?:
Your telephone number:
Please click on the Submit button to submit the form details.
The Law Office of Julia Lamanna
tel: 212-844-9668
305 Broadway 7th Floor, New York NY 10007
fax: 212-844-9864
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